
Fraxel Laser Treatment

Until now, two varieties of laser treatment have been available for cosmetic enhancement-ablative and non-ablative. Ablative, which literally means to vaporize at a very high temperature, are very effective at destroying unwanted tissue but have significant side-effects and require a lengthy healing period. Non-ablative, on the other hand, have very few side-effects and require almost no healing time, but involve numerous treatments over many months to achieve only modest results.

At long last, a laser with the potency of ablative treatments and the gentle safety of non-ablative lasers has won approval from the US Food and Drug Administration to treat a variety of important cosmetic conditions.

Fraxel® Laser Treatment is designed to target aging and damaged skin by creating microscopic "wounds" within the targeted areas well beneath the skin's outermost layer. In this way, Fraxel® Laser treatments trigger the body's own natural production of new collagen and skin cells. And because Fraxel® Laser Treatment combines the impact of ablative lasers with the gentleness of non-ablative lasers, healing occurs so quickly that there is very little downtime for patients.

After several years of studies and mounting evidence of the Fraxel® Laser's safety and effectiveness, the FDA has cleared this unique new laser to treat the following conditions:

Acne Scars

Acne Scars Before and After

Anyone double-burdened with watching their teenage acne turn into adult acne scars knows the profound devastation this circumstance can have on self-esteem and life-outlook. Yet, every bit as profound is the utter transformation - physical and emotional - awaiting those who take advantage of a revolutionary change recently underway in cosmetic health.

Acne scars form wherever acne advances to the point of injuring our tissue. These injuries arise as an inflammatory response to sebaceous follicles becoming plugged with oils, bacteria and dead cells. The result is the formation of a scar - that discolored fibrous tissue with abnormal collagen function that replaces our healthy skin. Successful treatment of a scar requires both the removal of damaged epidermal tissue and the stimulation of new collagen to improve the region's tone and texture.

Traditional approaches - topical agents, abrasion therapies, surgery and conventional lasers - either achieve only moderate results, or else destroy unacceptable amounts of healthy tissue along with the scar. The more effective techniques can also require a great deal of recovery time.

A monumental breakthrough came only recently when the FDA approved Fraxel® Laser Treatment for acne scars after studies showed that the new laser could be far more effective than traditional therapies at both removing damaged tissue and inducing the formation of new collagen.

"In our practice, we have treated hundreds of acne scarring patients with the Fraxel® Laser, and we've seen significant improvements on all areas of the face, particularly the cheeks and temple area." - Paul Friedman, M.D., Houston, TX

Fraxel Laser Treatment, with its gentle non-ablative skin rejuvenation and rapid healing time, is now available to people of all skin types for the treatment of acne scars.

"I suffered from cystic acne as a teenager, and as a result I ended up with really deep acne scars. I used to wear heavy foundation, but my acne scars were so bad that makeup couldn't even cover them. Now, after three treatments with the Fraxel® Laser, my skin is so much smoother and even my pores got smaller. I think the technology promotes a more natural healing approach that produces even better results than the surgical procedures I've tried in the past." - Joanne R., age 32, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Age Spots

Age Spots Before and After

Although the appearance of age spots might seem like an obvious indication of aging skin, they are instead our body's attempt to protect itself from sun exposure by overproducing melanin. Also called liver spots or sun spots, age spots are blemishes that range in color from dark yellow to black and locate themselves in exposed areas of the body, such as the face, hands, shoulders, arms or forehead.

Only occasionally do age spots pose a serious medical risk. They sometimes obscure detection of skin cancer, and, rarely, can indicate accumulated wastes or a bodily dysfunction.

Even when harmless, these blotchy brownish patches pose a tough cosmetic challenge that can make us look and feel much older than our years.

Conventional strategies for eliminating age spots include cryotherapy, acid washes, bleaches, pulsed light or traditional laser treatment. Too often such techniques will fade but not completely remove age spots.

The real breakthrough came recently when the FDA approved Fraxel Laser Treatment® for age spots after studies showed that the new laser could be far more effective than traditional therapies.

"In the past, there was simply no treatment for the blotching, discoloration and fine lines on the neck, chest and hands. But Fraxel laser is safe and effective for use on non-facial areas. Over half of my patients now want treatment on these non-facial areas along with their face." – Tina Alster, M.D., Washington, D.C.

Fraxel® Laser Treatment, with its gentle non-ablative skin rejuvenation and rapid healing time, is now available to people of all skin types for treatment of age spots.

"I've had sun spots all my life and tried everything to get rid of them, but nothing worked. When my dermatologist recommended the Fraxel® Laser, I was willing to give it a try because it was a non-invasive procedure that didn't require any downtime. After the first treatment, I saw an immediate improvement. I'm thrilled with my results and have recommended Fraxel® Laser Treatment to other people who, like me, tried other treatments without much success." – Kara K., age 30-plus, a human resources executive assistant in Baltimore, MD

Melasma (Mask Of Pregnancy)

Mask of Pregnancy Before and After

Melasma is a skin condition in which patches of brown or tan discoloration appear on the forehead, cheeks, lips, nose or forearms as a result of the body’s sudden overproduction of pigment. Sometimes called the "mask of pregnancy," melasma can afflict anyone, but is most often triggered in women—especially during the hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy, oral contraceptive use or hormone replacement therapy.

Melasma affects an estimated six million people in the US alone. Though not dangerous, the condition can cause embarrassment and undermine self-confidence.

Conventional remedies for melasma include enzyme inhibitors, depigmenting agents, bleaches, steroids, pulsed light, acid facial peels and aggressive dermabrasion techniques. Seldom are such strategies effective. Traditional laser treatments can also produce lackluster results. No wonder so many people give up and simply hide themselves behind heavy makeup.

A breakthrough finally came when the FDA approved Fraxel® Laser Treatment for melasma after studies showed that the new laser could be highly effective even in cases where traditional therapies had failed.

"We are delighted to finally have a successful laser treatment to offer patients who have been forced to view the world through a mask that could never be removed. With the Fraxel® Laser’s unique approach of using millions of microscopic thermal spots to gently resurface only portions of skin at a time, we can now penetrate deep enough to eliminate the melanocytes that cause melasma." – Cameron K. Rokhsar, M.D. of New York, NY

Fraxel® Laser Treatment, with its gentle non-ablative skin rejuvenation and rapid healing time, is now available for melasma sufferers of all skin types.

"After getting off the birth control pill and having a hysterectomy, I developed melasma on my face that was really noticeable. With the Fraxel® Laser, I noticed a remarkable improvement in these brown spots after only one treatment—even in areas that were really dark brown. I’ve had three treatments with Fraxel® Laser so far—my melasma is clear and the overall texture of my skin seems better as well." – Susan D., age 45, Farmersville, TX

Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Wrinkles Before and After

Wrinkles around the eyes, often called crow's feet, are categorized by doctors as dynamic wrinkles because they develop largely from years of contracting the muscles that display our emotions when we smile, squint, deeply consider, show surprise or laugh. If you've developed such wrinkles yourself, we're happy to hear that life has dealt you so many rich emotional experiences! Now, about those wrinkles.

There are countless cosmetic strategies for reducing crow's feet-including acid peels, injectable fillers, collagen, dermabrasion or traditional laser treatment. These techniques can achieve moderately successful results for many patients.

The real breakthrough came recently when the FDA approved Fraxel® Laser Treatment for wrinkles around the eyes after studies showed that the new laser could be far more effective than traditional therapies.

"With the Fraxel® Laser, almost everyone sees some improvement after one treatment. When patients notice it, you don't have to convince them that they will eventually see an improvement." – Steven Struck, M.D., Atherton, CA

Fraxel® Laser Treatment, with its gentle non-ablative skin rejuvenation and rapid healing time, is now available to people of all skin types for treatment of wrinkles around the eyes.

"About eight weeks after my first Fraxel treatment, the fine lines around my eyes were erased and my skin just looked better. Everyone noticed the improvement and asked if I changed my makeup. I would encourage anyone considering the Fraxel® Laser to do it. If you have the procedure done on a Friday, you'll look good enough to go back to work on Monday." – Alix F., age 52, Georgetown, in Washington, D.C.

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