
Desert Bloom

Desert Bloom Skin Care Products were developed by K L. Perrins, a chemist and pharmacist with over 40 years experience. He lives and works in the desert retirement community of St. George, Utah. As a scientist, he was motivated by his desire to help the many people who were searching for something to counteract the aging effects of the hot, dry climate. After years of research and testing, he has created products containing glycolic acid that make your skin look and feel beautiful.

What is glycolic acid? Glycolic acid is one of several natural alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and is found in sugar cane juice and in the nectar of honeysuckle flowers. For centuries Polynesian women have anointed their bodies with the sweet juice of the sugar cane plant, seeking the smooth, lustrous skin for which they are envied. For thousands of years beautiful women around the world have used various AHAs in their skin care. Cleopatra introduced the practice of bathing in soured milk to the women of Egypt, whose desert-dry skin became softer and more youthful-looking. Marie Antoinette encouraged the beauties of her court to rinse daily with the dregs left at the bottom of bottles containing red wine, knowing their skin would be kept fresh and clear of blemishes. Only recently have these "secret" ingredients come to the attention of the world of cosmetics, resulting in hundreds of products containing AHAs becoming available to the public.

Alpha hydroxy acid formulations have proven to work wonders for the skin, yet are extremely safe and can be obtained without a prescription.

For more information visit desertbloomskincare.com site or call (435) 628-2826.

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