Scheduled Events

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Check-in and Breakfast Service
8:00 AM - 8:45 AM Economic Premier
8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Networking Break
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM First Breakout Session
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Networking Break
10:15 AM - 10:45 AM What’s Up Down South
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Networking Break
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Second Breakout Session
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Luncheon Keynote Speaker
1:30 PM Bonus Sessions

The Event

Check-in and Breakfast Service 7:30-8:00

Economic Premier Keynote Speaker 8:00-8:45

A. Scott Anderson

President and CEO, Zions Bank

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Full Profile

Randy Shumway

Founder, Cicero Group

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Full Profile

Lecia Langston

Regional Economist, DWS

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Full Profile

First Breakout Session 9:00-10:00

Residential Real Estate Review and Preview

Vardell Curtis, Chief Executive Officer for the Washington County Board of REALTORS, will update the audience on the current market as the real estate industry heats up once again. Is the market headed to another bust, or this time will it be an easy landing? This is the session for those answers.

Workforce Development ' Labor Exchange

Finding qualified workers remains a number one priority for all employers. It is especially true now as the Washington County economy ramps up and labor availability tightens. The Utah Department of Workforce Services is offering a new service featuring a highly efficient process that will help both employers and employees find the best match. This session will provide the information needed to effective put to use the new system to find the perfect fit for every business workforce need.

Do you have the Entrepreneurial Mindset?

Entrepreneur, Investor, and BoomStartup co-founder John Richards will share the advent of entrepreneur accelerators. With the emergence of TechStars in Boulder, Colorado, John Richards co-founded in 2010 BoomStartup, a TechStars-like accelerator for Utah. He will take us through the history and astounding growth of this movement (there are now over 1,000 such accelerators worldwide) and how it is being implemented in Utah and elsewhere. Bonus: John is currently serving as head of business operations for Google Fiber in Utah. He will share a brief introduction to Google Fiber during his workshop.

Soltis Financial Forecast

Expanding on the 2014 Summit theme of Politics vs. the Economy, Soltis Investment Advisors is pleased to feature Joseph S. Tanious, Executive Director, JP Morgan Funds Global Market Insights Team. Consistently ranked as a top speaker at major industry conferences and events, Mr. Tanious is a frequent guest on Bloomberg TV and CNBC, and is often quoted in the financial press. He will provide timely market and economic insight regarding the how quantitative easing and the Fed's strategy on 'tapering' and how this will affect interest rates and the overall economic outlook for capital markets moving forward.

Marketing Nuggets

Business owners and organization leaders are always looking for the latest magic bullet that will propel their sales forward. Sadly, they don't exist because marketing is a constantly changing challenge. Veteran marketer Tom Love, founder of Love Communications, one of the state's top PR agencies, will provide tried and true tactics that will help you strengthen and integrate a dynamic marketing plan.

What's Up Down South 10:15-10:45

What's Up Down South Session

The "What's Up Down South" session features 14 rapid-fire 5-minute presentations given by businesses and organizations on the verge of major expansions. The presentations will be accompanied by visual aids as well as contact information provided in the Summit Presenter's Book. Southern Utah Title Company will once again produce the 2014 "What's Up Down South" presentation.

Second Breakout Session 11:00-12:00

The Affordable Care Act and the Health of your Business

Like it or not, the Affordable Care Act is here. While it claims to offer the opportunity for better health care to previously uninsured Americans, small businesses remain in a quandary about how it will affect their own operations and bottom line. Select Health attorney Greg Matis, an expert on the subject, will address the latest developments in the law and its impact.

The 12 Most Difficult Issues You'll Face in Your Career: A Field Guide to Business Ethics

Based on examination of hundreds of difficult dilemmas faced at work, professor and researcher Dr. Brad Agle and his co-authors have developed a typology of the 12 most difficult issues you will face in your career. In this highly interactive and informative session, Dr. Agle will work through these issues with you, preparing you to deal effectively with them. Successful navigation of these issues is critical to both career success and personal integrity.

Lessons Learned in Growing a Small Business

While it's inspiring to find helpful hints from small business success stories, what about the mistakes other businesses have made that you should take care to avoid in order to survive and grow? Three local business owners will expound on their positive and negative experiences in their quest for success.

Water in Washington County - Lake Powell Pipeline Costs & Benefits

The Washington County Water Conservancy District has proposed the Lake Powell Pipeline as the solution for an expanding economy's water requirements in the next decades. Concern about the solution has centered around both the environmental impact and the estimated billion dollar cost of the project.

Consultant Jeremy Aguero will review and analyze the economic implications of water resources stability in southern Utah including water supply, demand and pricing issues in the region.

Luncheon Keynote Speaker 12:00-1:00

Noelle Pikus Pace

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Full Profile

Bonus Session 1:30

Managed Growth

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